About Philip

Greetings my name is Philip Miles I am a professional Astrologer always practicing and learning. From an early age, I opened up to an interest in psychology, as my mother is a psychotherapist. Her books, teachings and ways of being taught me a fantastic ability to relate to my own and others emotions in a way which is empowering, relieving and healing.

I love to absorb as many techniques as possible into my readings so that you my client are able to experience refreshing insights and validation into the direction of your experience. I specialize when it comes to the evolution of our souls journey using the lunar nodes and position of the planets at the moment of your birth, as well as looking into prognostic methods to determine what energies are available for you to make the most out the situations that lay before you.

If you are looking for the best place to holiday, settle in a new home, build a business, write a book or retire I can help you find the best vibrationally matching place using a method of astrology called Astrocartography. If you would like guidance using this technique please ask specifically when ordering your reading.

I have also helped people with awakening to their own selves and how it affects the relationships with people around them, how to feel okay letting go of what no longer serves us is paramount and I can show when might be best and how to do this with you in a safe and easy manor.

I can help:

I assure you that I can not only open up a feel good perspective to you but also allow you to have a greater insight in how to gain a grip and further traction to experience more of that which you wish to have in your life.

The Astrology in the sky is a mirror of the energies available to us within our experience and a reading sets us up with the knowledge to make empowered life shifting decisions.